My name is Denis PC Poussard alias:

SOKAN feng huang

I express myself laconically. And it’s good not to take too seriously.

So to get acquainted, a “Chinese portrait” remains, certainly,

the simplest and most interesting way to introduce myself.

So, if I were …, I would be …

If I were an Artistic Mouvement, I would be a Romantic

If I were a Colour, I would be Red.

If I were an Artist, I would be Joseph M. W. Turner.

If I were an Element, I would be Fire.

If I were a Moment, I would a Sunrise or a Sunset.

If I were a Season, I would be Autumn.

If I were a Composer, I would be Ludvig Van Beethoven.

If I were a Dance, I would be Flamenco.

If I were a Writer, I would be Charles Dickens.

If I were a Monument, I would be Notre Dame de Paris.

If I were a Room, I would be a Library.

If I were an Architectural Element, I would be a Stair.

If I were a Story, I would be a Myth or a Legend.

If I were a Country, I would be Japan.

If I were a Flower, I would be a Rose.

If I were an Animal, I would be a Tiger.

If I were a Creature, I would be a Phoenix.

If I were a Plant, I would be a Tree.

If I were an Object, I would be a Book.

If I were a Spectacle, I would be a Firework.

If I were a Movie, I would be Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.